Je vous avais prévenu... ça va devenir une vraie maladie !!!!
Mais je vous rassure, ils n'ont pas été fait le même jour.
Ingrédients : (Pour 2 pers.)
- 1 nectarine bien mure
- 1 poire
- 1 fromage blanc
- 10 feuilles de basilic
- 4 glaçons
- 1 citron vert
Préparation :
Mixez la poire et la nectarine épluchées ensemble pendant 30 sec. Rajoutez les feuilles de basilic, le fromage blanc, les glaçons et remixez de nouveau 1 min pour que le mélange soit bien mousseux.
Versez dans les verres ,coupez une tranche de citron vert et posez la sur le bord de celui-ci.
Dégustez, pour ma part ils ont vraiment beaucoup aimés... à essayer
C'est rapide, facile et ça permet de faire manger des fruits à des "ados" sans avoir à se battre avec.
2 commentaires:
Miamm !
Hi Nataly,
Nice to see the you're developing your smoothie skills :-)
My name is Nickias, and I’m writing to you on behalf of the Friends of Glass. I’ve been following this blog and enjoy your passion and enjoyment of homemade cooking.
I love the fact you use glass for serving your smoothies, but I also noticed that beautiful jar with decorations for the brioche recipe.
That's why I thought you might be interested in becoming one of a select team of ‘Glass Ambassadors’, a group of food bloggers and home cooking aficionados who are collaborating to prove the health and taste benefits of glass.
Specifically, we’re working on publishing a unique recipe book full of ideas for food that can be stored in glass bottles and jars. It's all about showing people that food in glass is tastier.
So I was wondering if you would like to participate, perhaps with one of your smoothies?
Sending us your recipe is quick and easy. Simply go to and follow the instructions. The only requirement is that your recipe should be stored in a glass receptacle after preparation.
For more on our movement and why glass is the only packaging material that is true to taste, visit, or feel free to contact me on
Happy creating!
Friends of Glass
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